Exchange Server

Export exchange mailbox for specific date range to PST

The example code given below is used to export a mailbox as PST format on an exchange server using exchange management shell. Date format is set MM/DD/YY. New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox -ContentFilter {(Received -gt ’03/03/2021′) -and (Received -lt ’10/05/2021′) -or (Sent -gt ’03/03/2021′) -and (Sent -lt ’10/05/2021′)} -Filepath “\ Given code can be used to display

Export exchange mailbox for specific date range to PST Read More »

Disabling Office 365 Multi-Factor Authentication

Recently Microsoft announced that they updated their authentication methods both on Azure and Office 365 as default security. Some accesing problems occured after Microsoft announced the MFA as default security. Even IT Staffs who works our company couldn’t access their Office365 services. We downloaded Authenticator which was published by Microsoft on Google Play Store and

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