I have recently experienced a switch which is called a Ruijie made in China. I’m not good at Cisco, but briefly, I can say that Ruijie commands are similar to Cisco. You can visit its webpage by clicking here.
Anyway I just wanted to share the commands that I use commonly to configure a Ruijie switch in this post.
Run the enable command that gives you to enter privileged mode. You can use this command mode to conduct basic tests or display system information.
After you run the enable mode that allows you to enter the privileged mode, then run the configure command to enter global configuration mode.
configure terminal
The default host name is Ruijie. Run the hostname command to change the default system name.
hostname <NewHostName>
See the configs which is currently runs on the switch.
show running-config
In global configuration mode, run the interface command to enter interface configuration mode. It allows you to configure an interface or interfaces.
Seeing more commands about the interface, don’t forget to add a question mark after you typing the interface. There is no need to use only a question mark after the interface, you can use it everywhere to see what to do.
interface ?
You don’t need to write the all commands in a row, just start to text and press the Tab key to display the complete keyword.
SW# show run<Tab>
SW# show running-config
Assigning an ip address to the switch. Firstly of all you should enter the global configuration mode. All ports are belong to VLAN 1. It comes out of the factory as default like other manufacturers did.
SW1(config)# Interface VLAN 1
SW1(config-VLAN 1)# ip address
SW1(config-VLAN 1)# exit
Accessing your Ruijie switch via your web browser. Ruijie needs to have an enabled web server service before you set an ip address or after. In the global configuration mode, type the command given below. It grants both http and https traffics to your swich.
enable service web-server all
Connecting your Ruijie switch via telnet. Run the following command to enable the telnet command in the global configuration mode.
enable service telnet-server
Accessing your Ruijie switch via telnet or console are not enough to connect your device with the command which was given above. You have to use the following commands below, they help you to set a password for both privileged mode and global configuration mode.
username admin secret Passw0rd
enable secret Passw0rd
line vty 0 4
login local
Creating a new vlan also is so simple, just text VLAN ID command in the global configuration mode.
SW1(config)# VLAN 50
SW1(config)# name Camera
SW1(config)# exit
Assigning a specific port or ports to a VLAN that was created for the Camera System. Following commands assing the first 10 ports of the switch to VLAN 50.
SW1(config)#interface range gigabitEthernet 0/1-10
SW1(config-if-range)#switchport mode access
SW1(config-if-range)#switchport access vlan 50
Seeing the status of all the ports
show interface status
Seeing the mac address of the devices which is connected to gigabit ethernet ports of the switch.
show mac-address-table | exclude TenGigabitEthernet
or all.
show mac-address-table
Seeing the aggregate ports and, how to configure aggregate ports examples are shown below.
SW45#show aggregatePort summary
AggregatePort MaxPorts SwitchPort Mode Load balance Ports
------------- -------- ---------- ------ ---------------------------- -----------------------------------
Ag1 8 Enabled ACCESS src-mac Gi0/32 ,Gi0/33 ,Gi0/38 ,Gi0/39
Ag2 8 Enabled ACCESS src-mac Gi0/24 ,Gi0/25 ,Gi0/27 ,Gi0/29
SW45(config)#interface aggregatePort 3
SW45(config-if-AggregatePort 3)#switchport access vlan 100
SW45(config-if-AggregatePort 3)#exit
SW45(config)#interface range gigabitEthernet 0/1-4
SW45(config-if-range)#port-group 3 mode active
Building configuration...
AggregatePort MaxPorts SwitchPort Mode Load balance Ports
------------- -------- ---------- ------ ---------------------------- -----------------------------------
Ag1 8 Enabled ACCESS src-mac Gi0/32 ,Gi0/33 ,Gi0/38 ,Gi0/39
Ag2 8 Enabled ACCESS src-mac Gi0/24 ,Gi0/25 ,Gi0/27 ,Gi0/29
Ag3 8 Enabled ACCESS src-mac Gi0/1 ,Gi0/2 ,Gi0/3 ,Gi0/4
If you want to know which port is used by your device can be found by using the following command.
sh mac-address-table dynamic address aaaa.bbbb.cccc.dddd
Sometimes LLDP command helps you to find out other network devices (switch, IP phone, etc. ). LLDP also helps you to assign the VLANs automatically to IP phones for IP Phone networks. Simply you can find these devices using the following command.
show lldp neighbors
Deploying the VLANs to all network enable the gvrp feature on the all switches.
gvrp enable
gvrp dynamic-vlan-creation enable
Shutting down or powering up an interface or poe can be done for the interface gigabitEthernet 0/1 with the following command.
no shutdown
poe enable
no poe enable
I will try to add this post more when i start to collect new information about Ruijie.
Have a great day.